How could a Business use Facebook Live for engagement !

Do you know that giving an insider’s look at your business will encourage and bring in more customers into your business? For instance, the parties that happen in your office, the afterparties, outings.

Best way to connect directly with your target audience? Then it is probably going Facebook Live. However, some of you guys might wonder “What Facebook Live is?” Facebook live is a recently added feature on Facebook that helps you to interact with people in real-time. Where you can react using emojis as well as ask your questions instantly while live broadcast. Coming to the topic, how does a business use Facebook live for their business engagement? When it comes to business their main aim is to survive in the market. It is a must to target the right audience in the right track. Down below I have mentioned 5 of the top ways to use Facebook live to bring that engagement to your business, Keep reading!

1) Go Behind Curtains:

Behind the scenes

Whatever you call it, people these days are more interested in watching live videos rather than reading something, especially if they are familiar with your products and services they will always look forward to your company’s live moments, making it something worth going to find more about. Thinking about examples? If you are running a business, you could probably give viewers a quick look at what is happening in your office. You can ask an employee of yours, how he is doing. A tour of your happy events and the backstage. Because people are so much more into watching videos than reading. A short and sweet description, some of the things we do cannot be imitated, isn’t it? It will be unique, for example, Behind the scenes of your events cannot be copied by some other since it comes out handy.

2) Go Live With Panel Discussions and Conference :

Panel Discussions

Are you seriously into attending a conference, a trade show or a lecture? Check out whether you are able to go live while the meeting or lectures at least a few parts of it this doing will eventually make your audience interested in your business. Always stick with the agenda and the guidelines, make sure you get permission to live stream other speakers and stay in compliance, but many will be more even excited if you shared it right away with the audience.

What are the ways to bring in viewers right into the moment:

  • Start a fireside chat or a panel discussion with an interesting topic that will set everyone on fire.
  • While interviewing make short clips of the way you interview your attendees.
  • Make a quick summary of the good things you have learned from a conference or a panel discussion.

3) Make Practical Exhibitions :

Practical Exhibitions

For instance, if it is your cultural festival or Valentines day., go invite a celebrity and go for realistic conversations by asking them questions. This will bring more attention. Keep it real and targeted, making the videos too long will make the audience bored, so it is always important to keep in track with what the audience love.

When demos are performed in real life, even the professionals will be able to find out the problems and issues that arise. People love real things, they look for realistic moments so it is always a ‘’ Must” for the businesses to look for the expectations of their audience and fulfill them.

4) Go for Q&A’s with the best inspiring leader in:

Choose the best inspiring leader you want to interview and ask them the best questions where an audience will feel to keep on watching the live stream the whole day. Even if you’re not spending your time in the most exotic manner go for Q&A format to start your Facebook live.

  • The first thing that you have to consider is, ‘’The location” creating the interview in a natural environment where it will ease in more viewers to the live stream.

5) Live For Q&A and Discuss Interesting Questions:


Go for live question and answers session, throw your audience the chance to learn more about you in specific. Always keep in mind to call out the viewers name while answering them to make sure they are being answered, don’t rewind the same old thing instead try doing something different by questioning your viewers too. This will satisfy and clear the doubts, needs of your consumers. Buzz your audience with recent trends and breaking news on the internet, discuss current events to engage with your audience and start real discussions. Share your thoughts and opinions, For instance: share tips on how the recent trending news or topic can be used in your business marketing or management. This will capture views in real-time.

Final Thoughts!

If you are worried, whether your Facebook Live would be a flop, don’t worry mistakes do happen, not every moment comes perfect, and sometimes having mistakes while going live could be even fun for the audience. This is part of the learning process. So go live, have heaps of fun, spread love, make your audience fall in love. Above all find out the taste of the audience and go for it.

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