We are the mighty citizens of Sri Lanka. We are having democracy for about 70 years. Everyone in this country has equal rights. We have free education, free medicines and many facilities are given to us for reasonable prices. Actually we must be proud to have the all above ones as a citizen of Sri Lanka. But I can’t be totally satisfactory, because I’m a middle class.
We all have studied in government schools with the syllabus given by the government and facing the exams conducted by the examination department of srilanka from grade 1-13. From this achievement we have our opportunities for our higher studies. If I scored a good z score then only I can enter into engineering. If I’m not selected for engineering I will try for the second shy, or I can follow a course below the top course given by the university grants commission of srilanka. This is the education system of Sri Lanka. The talented are the primaries in every fields…

But now what’s going on in our country.
What happened to our holy Education system?
Where are the opportunities of the talented youths?
Yes, we are isolated. Our rights are given to the one’s who are having money and power. Some private organizations are giving the degree equal to our top universities of Sri Lanka. On other hand they are connected with foreign universities in U.K or U.S.A.So the people who are having money and power are holding a degree with more favors than the degree given to the talented ones who are selected as the toppers of our country.
Our parents don’t have enough money even for our free higher studies given by the government. We are struggling to have 3 meals in a day in our hostel or boarding. Most of the mornings our breakfast is a cup of coffee or plan tea. Most of our lunches are invaded by 3 or 4 hands in one parcel. Yes we accept that we are poorer than you high class people.

But if you are going to give much more than us to the people who are having money then why are you conducting the public exams. Why are you ranking us according to our results? Why don’t you divide us according to our money? Where are the rights given to you? Where is the democracy? Where is the tax paid by us for the health and education of our people? Why are you allowing the private sector which destructing the rights of our people?
First think about the critical stage of our country’s education level. Most of are stay away when some problems formed in recently. Because we all think that we are safe from these issues. But the truth is our generation didn’t understand the actual situation where we are? From these issues real suffers are our future generations. That means our children. So we must think about this immediately. We knew the reason. If you are going to get a loan from World Bank or IMF (International Monetary Fund) you have to allow the private sector. Politicians selected by us are selling our future for money. Will our country can be a developed one by the above procedure? So think youngsters.

We have to think because we are the ones who are going to construct our mother Sri Lanka. With 18 lacks you can made an engineer. With 30 lacks you can made a doctor. But in this critical situation I’m asking a question to you. Can you eat a poisonous food with the knowledge of its condition? Can you keep a cat to inspect milk? The decision is yours. We are the victims for money. So think and lead your future. We must find the answers for the questions that are form in this article. Be strong to discuss for our generations. If you like to add value for my blog please comment your suggestions.