Google I/O extended, Do you familiar this word? Yes if your background is a tech-based, I am pretty sure you can’t hear this word for the first time. Most of the time Google I/O extended called as Google I/O but the truth is both events are the different events. Do you surprise about this? Maybe most of our thinking that Google I/O extended called as Google I/O. The actual thing is Google I/O, the annual developer conference held by Google in San Francisco, California.

Google I/O
It’s a platform for the next generation technology in depth on building web, mobile and enterprise applications with Google and open sources such as Android, Chrome and Chrome OS, APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine and more. From 2008 onward the World’s largest technological event holds by the Google’s executive team. I/O means Input/output but as well as the slogan “Innovation in the Open”. More than 5000 participants from the all over the world participate these great conferences.
The tickets registration open from march onward and the I/O holds In May. You can buy the tickers from online in 3 types that under general for developers and tech people as their occupation or hobby, who are an active member/partner of the Google Developers Program, Academic type for a full-time student, professor, faculty or staff member at a high school or university.
This conference will continue to 2-3 days. It has a wonderful agenda in every year. This year event will hold on 8-10 May at Iconic Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California with technical sessions like sandbox and code labs, hands-on demos, Google experts and some fun activities also.

Google I/O Extended
Now when we take the Google I/O Extended events are focused on bringing the local developer community together to experience the keynote and other sessions, in real-time. It’s the opportunity to experience the Google I/O from your own country. With the addition of the keynotes of I/O videos, you can add more local speakers, hackathons, code labs and other entertainment activities also.
There are 502 I/O Extended events held in 91 countries. Whoever organizes I/O Extended event to bring their local developers community together. You can plan the date and venue, some extended have happened live and some are after the I/O. The event agenda also unique but you must add some keynotes from I/O.
It’s a rare opportunity for the local developers and tech people to gain knowledge and make their network strong. Extended event organizes grand level and contains unique sessions according to their local technology also.

Google I/O Extended Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has 2 I/O Extended events, one is organized by Dialog and Google developer group of Sri Lanka and another one is organized by Mobitel. Google I/O Extended Dialog took place in BMICH with over 8000 participants. More than that it contains another big technological exhibition also on that place. Last year the exhibition provided under the platform for robotic engineers to showcase their talents to the world. There were 42 teams in the largest Bot fight challenge and more than 40 product demonstrations by various IT companies.
We have the opportunity that other Google I/O Extended organized by Mobitel. It held in Stein Studio in Rathmalana with over 3000 participants. Mobitel will also be conducting a competition parallel to the Google I/O Extended event under the theme “Inspire Sri Lanka” which is an island-wide competition for innovators who are passionate about utilizing technology for a better tomorrow. So it’s a double opportunity for us.

Therefore the Google I/O is the conference that organized by Google to introduce their next generation technologies and products.I/O Extended is the gaining event that brings the local tech community together and gives the small experience of the main I/O. Now you guys understand the difference between both events? The Mobitel Google I/O Extended-Sri Lanka will be on 8th May. The tickets are available now. So are you register for your seats? Let me know your Google I/O Extended experience through the comments below.