Institute of Indigenous Medicine

Institute of Indigenous Medicine Claimed

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Institute of Indigenous Medicine warmly welcoming all the visitors who wants to share information of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine University of Colombo in Sri Lanka. The institute has founded in the year of 1929 as the College of Indigenous Medicine, it was affiliated to the University in 1977 for the human resource development in Ayurveda, Unani and traditional system of Medicine in Sri Lanka.

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The institute growing its physical, academic and human resources-HR to be a part like equally or above with every institute of similar status in the university system and achieved international recognition. The IIM is the premier Higher Educational Institute in Sri Lanka which offering instructions on Ayurveda related treatments, Unani and Indigenous system of medicine at undergraduate-UG and postgraduate-PG levels.

In the years of 1977, the College of Ayurveda was first started in the Island, after a while it was upgraded and affiliated to the University of Colombo as the Institute of Indigenous Medicine. IIM has grown so many medical professionals to meet the challenging necessities of primary health care, general health care issues, health promotions, and prevention of disease. Their vision is to be a nationally and internationally acclaimed center of excellence in Ayurveda Unani and traditional systems of medicine in Sri Lanka.

Courses Available

  • Ayurveda
  • Cupping therapy & Leech therapy
  • Massage Therapy

Facilities Available

  • Ola Leaf Index
  • New Arrivals
  • Theses Index
  • Hand Book
  • E-Repository
  • Past Papers
  • Catalogue
  • Computer
  • Wifi
  • Audio Visual
  • Workshops
  • Hostels

Courses Fees

  • Ayurveda

    Rs. 130,000

    The course related Ayurveda is excellent for those who are new to Ayurveda field and those who are in the stage of beginner level. The only requirement that needs for this course is the desire to learn how to restore and handle your natural state of health and balancing the body using the wisdom and practices of Ayurveda.

  • Massage Therapy

    Rs. 30,000

    The Massage Therapy program at Institute of Indigenous Medicine has a strong emphasis on anatomy and physiology. The course mainly provides awareness to students to completely understand the effects of massage. This skill and knowledge will assist students in selecting what care they would offer to a client.


What are the qualifications of applicant?

the student of Institute of Indigenous Medicine should possess the Certificate of G.C.E. (A/L) in Bio- science stream and should conform to the criteria suggested by the University Grants Commission for admission to the university.

A student who wants to read the bachelor’s Degree should not suffer from any mental or physical disability that may hinder the duties of medical profession. Students are must prove themselves, as they are physically and mentally fit after a medical examination. The Institute will conduct this medical examination.

What are the Undergraduate programmes providing by Institute of Indigenous Medicine?

The institute providing various degrees, but two courses under the UG program. They are,
BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery ) – Duration 6 years(Including 5 year Academic studies and 01 year Internship )

BUMS (Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery ) – Duration 6 years(Including 5 year Academic studies and 01 year Internship )



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    09:00 - 17:00

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