Eye Hospital has a long history in the healthcare of Sri Lanka. This is the tertiary care hospital with the centre of excellence which was established in 1905. It gives services to all categories of all eye-related problems either medically or surgically. Patients are referred from all parts of the island for the specialized management. The practice of Ophthalmology involves the promotion of eye health, preservation of sight provocation of blindness, restoration of vision, enhancement of abnormal vision and enhancement of fractional vision. The National Eye Hospital of Colombo provides the above-mentioned service to the entire nation since the inception 1962 from the current premises.
National Eye Hospital has a long history in the healthcare of Sri Lanka. This is the tertiary care hospital with the centre of excellence which was established in 1905. It is the referral hospital in the special management of many ophthalmic conditions. Patients are referred from all parts of the island for the specialized management. The Out Patient Department (OPD) of the hospital plays a major role in screening, managing and treating many eye problems. There are over thousand patients seen daily at the OPD itself. There are clinic for the further management of various eye conditions. There are clinics under the care of the consultant Ophthalmologists. Over six hundred patients attend to the clinic daily for various eye conditions. There are special clinics for retinal patients, diabetic, glaucoma, and post operative patients. Two retinal units are functioning under the supervision of two Consultant Ophthalmologists.
The laser treatment unit utilizes the new technology to provide laser therapy and other latest investigations like Optico Coherent Tomography (OCT). There are training programmes for medical officers who are doing Post Graduate studies with the association of College of Ophthalmologists and Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. There is a training course for the Ophthalmic technologists too.
It's not that we don't want to help you, but it would be irresponsible to try to diagnose your problem without examining your eyes.
That depends on how responsible you are; this decision is best made jointly between you, your parents and your eye doctor.
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