How to Handle Strangers in Your Social Media?

Do you have unknown persons on your friend list on social media? Yes, most of are surely have. In Sri Lanka, Facebook is the largest social media that most of the people use. In Facebook most of our love to get more likes and comments on our posts. Does this sound familiar? Because all are loved to be popular. When an unknown person tells about your name and some details, you must really happy. But as a teenager, if it happens, you want to be careful. Nowadays we don’t have any personals, in just a single click whoever tell you with your all details.

We don’t always think negative but we want to be careful in our social media activities. According to surveys, 91% of social networking teens make friends that they see a lot, 82% make friends that they see rarely, 16% connect who they don’t haven’t met. In Social Media, we post all the details like I am sleeping so I am going to marry a girl. So all the details we post, as a girl when we post like these things we feel it’s just a post, but most of the strangers use this posts to analyze about you. You can’t imagine how long they analyze you. For you when you update a status it’s just a post but when a person plans to follow you it’s a huge point to know about you. You don’t know but if you check your post that are visible to the public have many key points about your strength, weakness, love, favorites, and friends.


Next, come to the point of add friends that you don’t know or never met. There are 2 types of strangers, one is you see them but you don’t know about their single detail, and second, if you don’t know the face or the name. It’s not a big deal that you like to add more unknown friends. But you have to know some tricks to handle them. In this modern world, we can live independently but you are the responsible for your safety. You don’t feel afraid to post about your daily activities or something else after reading my last paragraph. For me, I love to post like this and these are my memories when after some years I can see that and feel my memories according to that posts. So I love to post on Social Media. If you also like if you continue.

When we come about our safety, First start from when a friend request came you must go to the profile and check the details. If you are lazy to check the profile better avoid to make unknown friends. If you are interested in checking profiles you can handle through these tips. You must check the profile and posts and comments also. Most of us love the same mind of people and some interesting type of people. So if you like some of the posts from that person you can add friend.

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If that person only put reactions and comments in smoothly then don’t go for chat yourself. When you ask can I go for a chat with a person who doesn’t know for me? My answer is yes you can but always be careful when you chat with them. All people don’t be the same but always it better to keep some limits on them. If you are a girl don’t send your personal details including phone numbers and photos. After some years if you have the confidence to make them as your real friends then only you can move with them.

In the same social media has many histories that some are finding life partners through these unknown friend list, some are lost their personal photos and attempt to suicide and some men lost their large amount of money through this social media. So you have the responsibility for your faults. When you chat with an unknown person always keep a limit and be careful with every word until you have to get the confidence of that person. When sometime if you get some weird comments or messages you can block or put out from your friend list. If you are a teenager don’t take over risks. I know most of our love to take risks but it may be lead to you to major problems.


Therefore it’s not a big deal to make unknown friends until you have the huts to handle them. Follow these steps always be careful yourself. Not all move with bad intention but as a teenager, we want to be safe. In my experience I have faced some weird messages and comments then I blocked them but more than that I have 5 or 6 very good friends from the unknown list. So guys let me know about your experience in social media unknown friends and yes you can give your ideas also in the comments below.

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